"So what is your favorite element in painting?" the instructor asked. "Color " I responded without hesitation. "Mine is light, he stated, "without light your picture doesn't have values or color." This was an "Aha" moment for me artistically and spiritually.
We are part of something bigger. |
When you paint, you have to consider the palette you are working with, the type of paint, the perspective and the light. Where will the light come from in your painting? How will this be reflected in the various shades of color? Color is given its very breath by light. Merriam Websters online defines color as "a phenomenon of light or visual perception that enables one to differentiate otherwise identical objects."
Paint is no good without light. |
I have always been fascinated by color and its impact on environment and people. The colors that people favor in their dress and surroundings can indicate personality traits or even a state of mind. For instance, I find pale blues, greens and purples soothing in the hospital setting. Red and yellow are said to animate. These colors are often found in fast food establishments. But behind this wash of color is the prism we see through: Light.
From the very beginning, God is associated with light. Genesis 1:3 reads "God said, let there be light and there was light." In Isaiah we are exhorted to "walk in the light of the Lord." The New Testament (1 Jn 1:5) states, "God is light; in him there is no darkness." So if light brings color and depth to painting, how much more depth and vibrancy can God bring to our lives? If we believe in a Creator God, the Alpha and Omega, the faithful God of Israel, the impact on our lives can transform us.
If we believe that God's plan is perfect for our growth, then it is not God's plan that needs revising. It is our response. If we align ourselves with his purpose for our lives, his light will shine in and through us. We will be the best version of ourselves; this gives him glory. Genesis tells us that God created man in his own image. God is like an infinite stained glass window. We are pieces of this beautiful window and we share his beauty, thanks to his divine light.
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