Thursday, September 25, 2014

About Face

     First my left ear hurt. Perhaps a pimple in my ear? No. My ear grew to resemble a blush colored cauliflower.  Time to check in with the doctor.  The first antibiotic did nothing. After three days, I planned to go back and get something else. I got up, got dressed and looked in the mirror, my face was flush right and I had trouble closing my eye. I looked like a Picasso painting and not in a good way.What? Did I have a stroke? I set off for the doctor.  My eye was constantly watering; I had not anticipated how difficult it would be to drive.
     I had not had a stroke. I had Bell's Palsey.  My swollen ear and neck had clamped down on the nerves to the left side of my face. 80% of cases fully resolve, but I could only think about the 20% that did not. I got antivirals, antibiotics and prednisone. Prednisone made me feel like I was going to jump out of my skin or have a heart attack. I would take it and then go for a brisk hike around my neighborhood until it started to metabolize. Now, 5 weeks later, I have some residual stiffness but my face is back to normal. The physical transformation and temporary paralysis were both horrifying and thought provoking.
     Perhaps it is human nature, but I used to take my face and nerves for granted. God gave me green eyes and great teeth and they have been there everyday. I never thought of these things as gifts, but they are. It made me think about the many souls that deal with afflictions that are not temporary; this humbled me.
     The illness also made me realize that I need to slow down and ask for help when I need it.  Even the Creator of the universe rested on the 7th day! Why do I think I have to do everything myself? It's not independence. It's wanting to do things MY way. Hmmm. That is not as exciting as "independence", but I think it's true. So my husband cooked and my son drove and I laid on my bed and rested. I have had plenty of time to contemplate my tendency to "judge a book by its cover" and I am ready to turn the page. If I believe in the preeminence of the soul's beauty, it's time I cease my lip service and live my life from a deeper place. I believe that my numb face enervated the far corners of my heart and I am grateful. Peace to you.