Monday, December 5, 2016

Bring the Light

     On a deep, interior level, people are hurting. Races, ethnic groups and even genders feel marginalized and consequently angry. Anger is expressed through violent words and acts. Look at Google news. There are shootings. There is vitriol in the politics. There is a lack of civility and manners. There are horrific nuclear and chemical weapons. There is dire poverty. Sometimes I stand in the middle of what seems to be a vortex of darkness.
     Most days, I keep my head down and just try to work on my small part of the world. I try to drive gently, ceding way to others, being courteous. I remind myself that everyone has burdens. Yet every so often, I see a news clip of someone avowing violence, or the aftermath of a horrific attack, and for just a moment, my faith is shaken. There are times when I get a cold feeling in my stomach; I am afraid.
     Anne Frank said,"Despite everything, I believe that people are really good at heart." It still amazes me that she said this at the height of the violence and persecution of WW II. All of us have the ability to embrace or reject the highest version of ourselves. Sometimes self righteous anger feels almost delicious. Our companions play the most important role in our despair, not our joy. Many is the time that a good friend has gently pointed out my mistake or harshness.

      Edmund Burke is credited with saying," The only thing necessary for evil to triumph is for good men to do nothing." How we respond to the bigger world's chaos starts in the micro world of our connections and interactions. Supporting the people in our lives and accepting their support fortifies the heart. This doesn't change the world. It changes how we engage with the world. Good and evil are old rivals. However, each of us can choose our path and companions.
     Constable Bryan Woodard of the Dallas/Fort Worth area says, " I refuse to see hate live while love dies." I agree.  It's hard to love in a world that's hurting so profoundly, but the world needs those who are committed to gently pulling people back from the edge. When I have prayed for those I dislike, or disagree with, I have been transformed myself.  In art, it is light that brings color to life. In relationships, our light brings connection to life. Every relationship counts, every prayer has power.