Please pay attention! We will let you know what we need. |
Yellowing leaves, sad, drooping stalks, my succulents cowered on the porch. As a novice gardener, I thought these cries meant "Water please!" The cacti were actually screaming "Shrink from the woman with the watering can" and "Avoid her gaze!" You can over water succulent plants. These beauties need to be settled in a well draining pot and thoroughly watered until draining through. The soil should be dry to the touch before watering again. Depending on the season, this may be once a week or more. Watering, trimming, replanting, turning--there are different kinds of care that plants need. People also need different kinds of nurturing. This can be one of the trickiest parts of parenting.
Hey lady! Lose the watering can! |
The human body is roughly 60% water. Our brains are 70 to 75% water. We need water to lubricate our joints, ease digestion, flush our toxins, boost our immune system and much more. We need love to survive too. Human touch is linked to increased neural development, happiness, immunity, and emotional balance. Relationships infuse our lives with meaning and our neural pathways with vibrancy. As children mature they need different kinds of nurturing to flourish.
The same careful tending that worked when my son was school aged has given way to guidance and tough love. He's a young man now; he is responsible for his own growth and development. I offer advice when asked. Occasionally I send up a flare if real danger is imminent. Other than that, I practice saying "I know you'll make a good decision" and the increasingly popular "What do you think?" This is harder than it sounds, but I realize that doing too much for him will not serve him. A young adult needs to stand on their own and sink their roots. With the right blend of love, humor, and a generous covering of prayer, parenting young adults does yield rewards. The rewards are not immediate, but as any gardener knows, patience pays off. Don't over water the cacti.
Easy with the H2O! |
Different plants need different care |
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